EHS Awards
Annual EHS Awards
Screaming Eagle Award: McWane EHS Excellence

- 2018M&H Valve Company
- 2017Kennedy Valve
- 2016McWane Ductile, Utah
- 2015Tyler Coupling
- 2014McWane Ductile, Utah
- 2012Pacific States Cast Iron Pipe Company
- 2011Tyler Coupling
- 2010Manchester Tank & Equipment, Elkhart
- 2009Clow Water
- 2008Atlantic States Cast Iron Pipe Company
- 2007M&H Valve
- 2006Manchester Tank & Equipment, Petersburg
- 2005Tyler Pipe
- 2004Amerex
This is a joint award for Environmental and Safety & Health Excellence. The top three performers in the Outstanding HS Performance award are submitted to the Environmental Group, who also determines their top three performing facilities. From this list of top contenders, the facility with the overall best EHS performance in the company is selected for the award.
Outstanding HS Performance
- 2018Tyler Coupling
- 2017McWane Ductile, New Jersey
- 2016Amerex
- 2015Tyler Coupling
- 2014McWane Ductile, Ohio
- 2013Manchester Tank & Equipment, Elkhart
- 2012Pacific States Cast Iron Pipe Company
- 2011Amerex
- 2010Clow Water
This award is given to the one facility who has the best overall HS by looking at 11 distinctive categories. The categories which are evaluated are: (plaque awarded)
- OSHA complaints or citations
- Review of Health & Safety Procedures
- Completion of corrective actions
- Accuracy of OSHA 300 log recording of injuries/illnesses
- Corporate audit performance
- Participation in HS initiatives
- Effectiveness of HS system management reviews
- Qualifications of HS staff
- Other HS awards received by facility
- Significant incidents
- Effectiveness of injury reduction plans
Outstanding Environmental Performance — Foundry and Fabrication
Foundry Winners
- 2018M&H Valve
- 2017Kennedy Valve
- 2016McWane Ductile, Ohio and Kennedy Valve
- 2015AB&I Foundry
- 2015Clow Valve
- 2014Kennedy Valve Company
- 2013Pacific States Cast Iron Pipe Company
- 2012Clow Valve
- 2011Clow Valve
- 2010Bibby Ste Croix (Founderie LaPerle)
- 2009M&H Valve
- 2008Clow Water
- 2007Pacific States Cast Iron Pipe Company
- 2006Atlantic States Cast Iron Pipe Company
- 2005Tyler Pipe
- 2004Clow Valve
Fabrication Winners
- 2018Clow Canada
- 2017Amerex
- 2016Manchester Tank, Quincy
- 2015Manchester Tank & Equipment, Crossville
- 2014Clow Canada
- 2013Manchester Tank & Equipment, Bedford
- 2012Amerex
- 2011Amerex/Manchester Tank & Equipment, Elkhart
- 2010Tyler Coupling/Clow Canada
- 2009Tyler Coupling/Manchester Tank & Equipment, Elkhart
- 2008Clow Canada
- 2007Manchester Tank & Equipment, Bedford
- 2006Manchester Tank & Equipment, Bedford
- 2005Amerex
- 2004Amerex
The following factors are considered in the selection process for the current calendar year:
- Environmental Audit grade
- opsEnvironmental implementation — configuration, training and use
- McWane EHS MS implementation (environmental portion)
- Diligence in addressing audit and other corrective actions
- Demonstrated senior management commitment to environmental excellence
- Relationship with regulators (local, state and federal)
- Amount and quality of resources applied to environmental management
- Receptiveness to and participation in company-wide environmental initiatives
- Innovative ideas and solutions on environmental matters
Exemplary Environmental Achievement
- 2018McWane Ductile for significantly expanding the use of Electronic Inspections Forms to perform and document EHS inspections.
- 2018Tyler Xianxian for being designated as an “A-Foundry” by the Environmental Protection Bureau in recognition of their state-of-the-art pollution controls.
This is a new award category introduced in 2018 and is presented to recognize a noteworthy achievement in furtherance of McWane’s industry leading EHS performance.
Outstanding Environmental Progress — Foundry and Fabrication
Foundry Winners
- 2017Bibby Ste Croix
- 2016Tyler Union Foundry
- 2015Tyler Xianxian
- 2013AB&I Foundry
- 2013Tyler Union Foundry
- 2012Tyler XianXian
- 2011Union Foundry
- 2010Kennedy Valve
- 2009Bibby Ste Croix (Founderie LaPerle)
- 2008McWane Pipe
- 2007M&H Valve
- 2006Bibby Ste Croix
- 2005McWane Cast Iron Pipe Company
- 2004Atlantic States Cast Iron Pipe Company
Fabrication Winners
- 2018MTE Cemcogas
- 2017Anaco and Clow Corona
- 2016The Solberg Company
- 2013The Solberg Company
- 2012Manchester Tank & Equipment, Crossville
- 2011Manchester Tank & Equipment, Echuca
- 2010None
- 2009Manchester Tank & Equipment, Crossville
- 2008Anaco/Clow Corona
- 2007Clow Canada
- 2006Manchester Tank & Equipment, Bedford
- 2005Manchester Tank & Equipment, Crossville
- 2004Manchester Tank & Equipment, Petersburg
The following factors are considered in the selection process for the current calendar year using the previous calendar year as the baseline:
- Progress on successful completion of audit and other corrective actions
- Improvements in overall compliance status
- Improvements in relationship with regulators (local, state and federal)
- Changes in quality and amount of resources applied to environmental management
Quartile Club
Foundry Winners
- 2018Tyler Union; M&H Valve Company; Tyler Coupling; Clow Corona; McWane India Private Limited; and McWane Gulf
- 2017M&H Valve Company, Tyler Union, Clow Valve, McWane Ductile, New Jersey
This award is given to facilities whose year-end recordable injury rates are in the top 25% of their industry. The Total Recordable Incident Rate (TRIR) is determined by taking the number of incidents occurred in a year’s period which require medical treatment, restricted work activity, or lost time and multiplying that by 200,000 and dividing by the total number of hours worked at the facility during the year
Most Improved TRIR Rate — Foundry and Fabrication
Foundry Winners
- 2016Kennedy Valve
- 2015McWane Ductile, New Jersey
- 2014M&H Valve Company
- 2013AB&I Foundry
- 2012Tyler Union
- 2011Kennedy Valve
- 2010AB&I Foundry
- 2009Pacific States Cast Iron Pipe Company
- 2008Clow Valve
- 2007M&H Valve
- 2006Atlantic States Cast Iron Pipe Company
- 2005Pacific States Cast Iron Pipe Company
- 2004Pacific States Cast Iron Pipe Company
Fabrication Winners
- 2016Amerex
- 2015Anaco
- 2014Clow Canada
- 2013Tyler Coupling
- 2012Anaco
- 2011Tyler Coupling
- 2010Clow Corona
- 2009Tyler Coupling
- 2008Manchester Tank & Equipment, Elkhart
- 2007Clow Corona
- 2006Clow Canada
- 2005Tyler Coupling
- 2004Manchester Tank & Equipment, Petersburg
The Total Recordable Incident Rate (TRIR) is determined by taking the number of incidents occurred in a year’s period which require medical treatment, restricted work activity, or lost time and multiplying that by 200,000 and dividing by the total number of hours worked at the facility during the year. The Most Improved TRIR Rate is determined by calculating at year end, the TRIR rate for each of our foundries and looking at the percent improvement when compared to their previous year end TRIR. The facility with the greatest percentage of improvement from the previous year is given the award.
The same process as noted above is done for all other facilities which are not considered a foundry and the award is given for the most improved over their previous year’s rate.